Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello Blogspot.

So, I have created another blog. I have been using Xanga for years and thought that it was about time to reach out to another blogging site because Xanga seems to slowly be dying. I really didn't know it was possible for it to die more than it already had. I have nothing specific that I am going to use this page for. I may post about music, maybe movie, maybe just what is going on it my life. I can't even guarantee you that I will be the one writing everything on this page, I may just copy it from other sites if it is something cool. To be honest, I may never even post on it. I have a bad habit of tying out long blogs and then I just never seem to post them. Whatever. I have joined the world of Blogspot. Wait... or is it called Blogger? The individual urls are Blogspot, but the main page is Blogger. Whatever. I am here.

My pages:

Personal MySpace
Photography MySpace
You Tube

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