Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My First Pointless Blog on Blogspot! [also known as Sleep & Entertainment]

Occasionally I like to just post a blog and ramble on about what is going on in my life and whatever happens to come to mine! It may end up having a point, it may not. There may end up being some part of it worth reading, there may not. As the title of this blog states, this is my first time to do this on Blogspot! Not like anyone reads this... YET!

For those of you who may not know, I work in production at a local television station. I don't think anyone who works in production has a "normal" work schedule... but some get it worse than others. I am one of those people. 2am to 8am Monday through Friday! When I say 2am Monday... you probably would consider that to be Sunday night. As you might have guessed, this all makes for a very strange sleeping schedule. I really don't think it is all that terrible. The worst part is getting off of work at 8am. For real, what is there to do?! Most people I would do anything with are still sleeping, going to work, or going to school. Even a large percentage of stores are still closed. So, on a normal day I just end up coming home. A normal thinking person would assume that this is no problem, I just go home until there is something to do or the stores open. Well there are two problems with this. First of all, try working a strange schedule like this for a while, once you get home, you aren't going to want to get back out. The second problem, which has become the bigger problem, is gas prices! I like 30 minutes from just about anywhere I would go to do anything. It is getting harder and harder to take that drive and spend that money just because I am bored. Ready for me to get to the conclusion? Well there isn't one. Like I said at the beginning, I am just rambling.

I did go shopping yesterday and bought three new sources of entertainment! One in each of the basic forms! Printed media, recorded sound, and film! In other words, a new book... well... graphic novel, a new CD, and a new DVD. So far, I have watched the movie and listened to the CD a few times. I have been impressed with both. I will more than likely get to the graphic novel tomorrow... and I already know it will be amazing. So, are you asking yourself what I got? I know you are! So, here you go...

Here is my total nerdness coming out. My addiction as of recently has been graphic novels. Basically a long comic book or series of comics all put together in one book. I know that as soon as soon I mentioned comic books, I probably lost the one person who may have been reading this.

As much as I read comics lately, there are few that I will actually spend my money on. Why buy when you can just sit in book s a million and read them?! This is one of the few that I will actually buy. Try to imagine this... Marvel super heroes... as zombies! What more could you ask for? Add in a sense of humor and it is all complete. Dead Days was recently put out. It is basicly a collection of all the comics that led up to the Marvel Zombies and Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness comics. I guess you could say it is the p
requel to Marvel Zombies. I will be reading this in the next day or two, but I can already tell you that it is going to be great!

I would recommend this and any other of the Marvel Zombies comics to anyone who is a fan of zombies or Marvel comics. Just a fan of Zombies? Check out the Walking Dead series of graphic novels. I have purchases the first 7 of them and am now just waiting for the 8th one.

Now to the new CD that I got yesterday! Ask anyone what they remember Rivers Cuomo of Weezer looking like and they will probably mention his thick rimmed glasses and rather nerdy look. Need some examples? Ok, click these links to see pictures: [Example 1] [Example 2] [Example 3] [Example 4] Ok, remember now?
Now to get to why I am talking about how he looks. As is obvious by the cover of the new album, he has a very different look now. Cowboy hat, western cut shirt with pearl snaps, gnarly mustache, and hair flipping out in the back. This is in no way saying the new album has a country sound to it... it is simply just that strange and random. Oh, and did I mention his GNARLY MUSTACHE?

To be honest here, I have never been much of a Weezer fan before. I had heard them on the radio and that was about it. I didn't even know that I had two of their other albums on my iPod until I went to upload this one. I don't even know why I payed money for this album... but I am glad I did. I have not stopped listening to it yet. It has gotten stuck in my head and I can't get it out. From what I have read online about it, they have tried some new things that they have not done before. They have switch instruments on some songs and different people from the band are singing too. A few of the tracks have the same kind of sound as their old stuff that I remember, but the rest... well... it is different. Track 2, The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Variations on a Shaker Hymn), is by far the strangest track on the album. I don't even know how to describe it, so I will just give you a quote from their bass player Scott Shriner, "The song 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' is a masterpiece that includes ten different styles of music based around a common theme." It is very interesting indeed.

So, I have basically written all of this to say that I throughly enjoy the album. Will you enjoy it if you were a big fan of old Weezer music? I really can't tell you that... but at least check it out!

I really don't have much to say about this one. I had heard a lot of good stuff about it, but just never gotten around to seeing it. Target had it for ten dollars so I thought "why not!?"

Another comedy by the guys that brought us the oh so amazing Shaun of the Dead. Yay for funny British guys!

Fan of Shaun of the Dead? Watch this.
Fan of comedies? Watch this.
Fan of cop movies? Maybe watch this... but only of you also like Shaun of the Dead or Comedies.

Ok, I think that is all I have to talk about in this blog.